“The Word became flesh and dwelt among us.”
John 1:14a

Close your eyes and picture the first Christmas.
What did you see? Was it a nativity scene? Shepherds and wise men, Mary and Joseph and barn animals surrounding a peaceful baby in a manger? Well, you’re right! As long as we make some timeline concessions on the arrival of the wise men, this is what the birth of Jesus looked like.
But it is too easy for us to slip over this moment and relegate it to a corner of our annual liturgy with the title “Silent Night.” The apostle John calls Jesus “The Word.” The Word of God, the essence of Truth, the very mouth by which the universe was spoken into existence. The moment The Word became flesh was no gentle thing.
This was war! It was the first move in a long-planned and perfectly executed campaign to reclaim the world from the evil rot of sin and death. And while the night was surely holy, it was far from silent. Earth and heaven alike shook with the praises of angels declaring the King had come to rescue the world He made.
God was never confounded by sin; He had a plan. A radical plan foretold for generations and enacted by the birth of a baby in a little town called Bethlehem.
And this is a plan in which we can place our faith, because The Word did not just dwell among us, He made us, sustains us, and sacrificed Himself for us.
Close your eyes again, but this time picture a Warrior King stepping down from His throne to rescue the children He loves. See Jesus not just as a baby – though that is how he chose to enter this world – but as a Creator engaging His creation in a perfect plan of redemption. And know that your faith is secure in Him who became like us, to die for us, and live forever with us in a new and perfect kingdom.
Love the way you wrote this‼️ A mighty Warrior stepped down yo save His people
Praise Him!