“And forgive us our debts,
as we also have forgiven our debtors.”
Matthew 6:12

Regular confession and repentance is a key tenant of our faith. The daily reminder of our “redeemed-but-not-yet-glorified” status is vital as we navigate the Christian life. But the way Jesus frames this phrase raises an important question: is God’s forgiveness of us contingent upon our prior forgiveness of others?
The simple answer is no; we are saved by grace through faith in the work of Christ. It is a gift that cannot be earned by any act of charity or piety. Why, then, does Jesus make a point of highlighting the importance of believers forgiving others in such a short prayer? The apostle Peter wondered the same thing, and Jesus graciously explains in the form of a parable several chapters later in Matthew 18.
Jesus tells the story of a servant who had been forgiven a vast, unpayable debt, then was unwilling to give grace to his neighbor who owed him a pittance. When the servant’s treachery was discovered, his master called the whole of his debt due and threw him into prison until he was able to pay.
The lesson is clear: you have been forgiven much, and you are expected to reflect that grace to those around you.
The cyclical nature of giving and receiving grace may lead us to wonder at the order of operations. After all, just after the Lord’s Prayer, Jesus says, “For if you forgive others their offenses, your heavenly Father will forgive you as well. But if you don’t forgive others, your Father will not forgive your offenses.” (Matt. 6:14-15) So which comes first, the chicken or the egg?
The reality is this: we know a chicken is a chicken because it looks like a chicken and came from a chicken’s egg. The Lord, who made both, is telling us that if we are truly saved, we will bear the fruit of that salvation. If we refuse to forgive, we have neither accepted nor understand the grace God has given us.
Believer, as you come before the Lord in repentance today, ask yourself this question: have you forgiven your neighbors? You have been given so much grace. Don’t forget to give it.
Great read today!! Love it.