“…your name be honored as holy.”
Matthew 6:9b

There are many ways to attach reverence to a person’s name. When we call someone “Mrs.” or “Mr.” along with a surname, it denotes wisdom or status greater than our own. The title of “Dr.” is used as a sign of deference to a person’s capability in a certain area of knowledge. Military rank stands for experience, trustworthiness, and maintenance of order. Politicians receive the moniker of President, Senator, or congressperson by will of the people as a sign of trust that they will act in the best interest of their constituents.
All these titles have one thing in common: they are earned and bestowed based on achievement. But as Jesus teaches us how to address God in prayer, he uses a different sort of reverent language. He tells us that God is Holy.
Holiness is not an additive or augmentation to increase a person’s standing. It is not a rank to which one can ascend, or a label conferred because of accomplishments. To be holy is to be set apart, to be “other than.”
In the same breath that he tells us to call upon God as our Father, Jesus instructs us to remember that God is wholly different from us, and therefore capable of a wholly different kind of power, grace, and love.
Humans with titles rarely live up to them. A Doctor may reach the end of their knowledge, a commanding officer may prove an incompetent coward, and it is unlikely that any politician has kept every promise they have made. But there is one who never fails. Our God, Holy from eternity to eternity, has given us a Father’s love – a sacrificial, all-consuming love beyond mortal comprehension.
Remember His promises today, and rest in His grace forever and ever.