“Therefore, you should pray like this:
Our Father in heaven…”
Matthew 6:9a

How do you think of God? As a creator? A judge? A king? Full of justice, full of mercy? All of those things are true and they are attributes of God, but when Jesus taught his followers how to pray, he didn’t give a list of titles which keep people far off, he gave an intimate form of address to draw them near.
He told them to call God “Father.”
Take a moment to consider how incredible this is! Our God, who is the creator, judge, and king has invited us into His family. Because of Jesus, He sees us not as distant subjects, but as His own children. Because of Jesus, we can approach the all-powerful One with the boldness of sons and daughters. Because of Jesus, we need not live in fear, but can rest in the knowledge that our Heavenly Father has an eternal home for us.
Remember this today: you are loved by God. He gave everything to make you a part of His family. So come close to Him in prayer, as a child to a father, and know that you are home.