“Truly I tell you, anyone who hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not come under judgment but has passed from death to life.”

All of scripture is profitable for our education and encouragement, but there is always something special about the very words of Jesus. And these words, recorded by one of Jesus’ dearest earthly friends, are among the most astounding. In this brief sentence, Jesus concisely delivers his gospel and declares his authority over past, present, and future.
First, he says that anyone who hears and believes HAS eternal life. This is not a future promise, it is evidence of current participation in the eternal life he offers. Our flesh will grow old and pass away, but we will live on because he has overcome the curse of death.
Next, Jesus points to future judgment and declares that we will not be condemned. Though the reckoning is yet to come, we have his assurance that his work will cover us.
And finally, he highlights his mission – and our salvation – as already complete. Jesus says that the one who believes “has passed from death to life.” At this point in the book of John, Jesus had not yet been killed or resurrected, and yet he speaks of the grand work as finished.
Believer, you serve a savior who holds the past, present, and future in the nail-scarred palm of his hand. He has ever been faithful, and his plans will never be confounded by any work of man or devil.
I so appreciate your heart and love your writing -- so articulate, creative and passionate. Thank you for always sharing that gift with us....