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1 Timothy 6:12 - Think Forever Today

Writer: Joe MayersJoe Mayers

“Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of eternal life to which you were called and about which you have made a good confession in the presence of many witnesses.”

The Apostle Paul was no stranger to adversity. He was imprisoned, beaten, shipwrecked, ridiculed, and run out of towns for the sake of the gospel. So, it is no surprise that his letters are littered with battle imagery. “Fighting the good fight” is a predominant theme, especially when he got into his later years of mentorship. 


In this letter, written to a young pastor, Paul offers a lifeline in the midst of the war of this age. He charges Timothy to fight, yes, but holds forth this glorious shard of hope: the promise of eternal life.

Paul knew that setting his mind on eternal things would put temporary struggles into perspective, and give strength to carry on, even when the path of faith seemed impossible.


Have you ever struggled? Have the cares of today ever occluded the possibilities of tomorrow? Perhaps you are feeling the pressures of this world even now? Take some time today to dwell on the hope of heaven. Remember our Savior’s loving sacrifice and hold tightly to the promise of our eternal home. The encouragement that was true for Timothy two millennia ago is still true for you now! The light of eternal life will shine brightly enough to ease even the darkest shadows of today.


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